How to Stay Well During Winter

It’s cootie season again. I am hearing tales of flu, COVID, strep, and stomach viruses in the office these last few weeks. Here are some tips on how to avoid falling under the weather:

Keep Your Cortisol in Check

Cortisol is a powerful hormone that performs many important functions. In excess, though, it can cause problems. When you are stressed, your body makes too much. This inhibits immune function making you more vulnerable to the ick. Keep cortisol levels under control by doing the following:

  • Manage your stress! Easier said than done, but explore strategies for decreasing stress in your daily life. Examples include goal setting, journalling, imposing more structure and routine, setting boundaries for work and personal interactions, and setting aside time for fun and relaxation.

  • Take Magnesium Glycinate morning and night. Start with 120mg per dose and increase if your health provider recommends. Magnesium helps regulate cortisol and many other important processes in the body.

  • Cold Plunges: Brrr! Research shows that cold plunges increase your ability to tolerate stress. Keep in mind that in the short term, cold plunges can increase cortisol, but long term it decreases. In other words, either do it regularly or not at all (or if you need to really be awake for something!). You don’t need an ice bath for this. Research shows benefits kick in at temps at or below 40F. In winter months you can just use the cold water in your shower. I cycle lukewarm water for 15 seconds with 1 min of cold while “rotisserie’ing” my body in the water stream, then luke warm 15 seconds, cold again 1 min until I reach 6 minutes. That’s it!

  • Cold Laser Therapy: AKA Red Light Therapy, or Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT), has been shown in studies to balance cortisol, as well as activate the cells of the immune system (see below).

Maximize Sleep Quality

This is a no-brainer for improving all things health. Stay tuned for a future blog post on sleep hygiene. For now:

  • Make sure you take your magnesium (see above)

  • Limit screen time after sunset

  • Get natural sunlight exposure as early in the day as you can.

  • Invest in a good mattress.

  • Go to bed at the same time every night.

Maximize Lymphatic Flow

The lymphatic system is where your immune system lives. It is sometimes described as a secondary circulatory system, except it does not have a central pump (heart) like your cardiovascular system. Instead, lymph is moved throughout the body when you contract your muscles and move. Therefore, exercise is very important for immune function! This is true for prevention of illness and for when you are sick. Here are a few ways to get your lymphatic system flowing:

  • Exercise: Exercise daily. You don’t have to kill yourself - a light walk counts. Even if you are sick, if you can possibly do it, get some movement in your body. 

  • Chiropractic Care: Not only does getting adjusted help get your lymphatics moving, it helps you feel better and makes your immune system work better in other ways (boosts certain immunoglobulins and stimulates vagal modulation of gut immune function).

  • Massage: Massage therapy works directly with the muscles, which are the main pump mechanism of the lymphatic system. Fun fact: the Motivity massage therapists have specialized training in specific lymphatic massage.

General Immune Boosting Tips

  • Make healthy eating choices: Your body has the tools to fight cooties. It just needs the right ammo.

  • Don’t touch your face with your hands without washing them first.

  • Breathe through your nose: Your nasal tract is lined with mucous meant to trap pathogens, and breathing through your mouth bypasses this line of defense.

  • Take probiotics: A large percentage of your immune system lies in your gut.

  • Use a humidifier in your home or workspace. One reason we get sick more in the winter is the air is more dry. This dry air allows particles to be less clumped together and stay airborne longer. A humidifier will combat this.

  • If you are feeling like you are getting sick, try some cold laser therapy. Light therapy activates your immune cells increasing your immune defenses.

  • Chew your food: 100 chews! This increases the surface area of your food so your stomach acid can kill any stowaway bugs in your food. It also decreases the workload of the rest of your digestive system.


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