Schedule an Appointment

Setting Up Your ChiroHD Account

We recently changed our Electronic Health Records (EHR) system to ChiroHD, and you’ll now be able to schedule appointments through the ChiroHD app. To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Request Your Email Invitation: Let us know if you’d like to be able to use our scheduling app. You can let staff know while you’re here for an appointment or fill out the form below. Then, keep an eye on your inbox for an email invitation from “ChiroHD System” with the subject line “Your App Invite”. This will contain a personalized link to set up your ChiroHD account. Please note that this invitation will be sent to the email address we have on file for you.

  2. Download the App: From your mobile device, open the email and click the first button to download the ChiroHD app.

  3. Link Your Patient Account: After you have downloaded the app, return to the email and click the second button to “Open ChiroHD app and link profile”

  4. Complete Your Registration: Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your registration.

Request App Invitation

If you’re an existing patient, but don’t yet have an account set up in the ChiroHD app, fill out the form and we’ll send you an app invite!

The email will come from ChiroHD System with the subject line “Your App Invite”

Scheduling Appointments Through ChiroHD

Scheduling and managing your appointments is easy in ChiroHD. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Log into Your ChiroHD account: Open the ChiroHD app on your mobile device and log in using the credentials you created during account setup.

  2. View Your Appointments: From the main screen, you’ll be able to see your upcoming appointments.

  3. Schedule a New Appointment: From the main screen, click the Schedule button and follow the prompts. You will select an appointment type, date, then an appointment time.

  4. Rescheduling or Canceling Appointments: If you need to reschedule or cancel an appointment, you can do so through the app, but not within 24 hours of your appointment. Please let us know if you ever need to make changes to your appointment at the last minute. Our policy states you may be charged a $60 fee for more than 2 appointments that are missed or canceled within 24 hours.

If you have any questions or encounter any issues during the registration process, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!